A special issue in beloved memory of ou founder, Prof. Cinzia Chiappe. The guest editor of this special issue is Dr. Lorenzo Guazzelli. Full papers, communications, and reviews are all welcome.

A special issue in beloved memory of ou founder, Prof. Cinzia Chiappe. The guest editor of this special issue is Dr. Lorenzo Guazzelli. Full papers, communications, and reviews are all welcome.
The University of Pisa, the Department of Pharmacy and PhD students of “Science of Drug and Bioactive Substances” invite all interested participants to attend the 1st International Conference on “Innovative Research in Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences”.
This conference offers a well organised scientific program to the audience and includes a wide range of keynote presentations, plenary lectures, symposia, and poster presentations.
All the members of the Ionic Liquid Group in Pisa want to remember Prof. Cinzia Chiappe, who died prematurely. She was the founder of our research group and a pioneer in the world of Ionic Liquids chemistry. For us she was an example and a reference point, the compass that guided our research. Professor Chiappe was an inexhaustible source of knowledge, able to find a solution to any sort of issue we encountered. With her strength and resoluteness succeeded in keeping together our large and heterogeneous group. Tireless and determined worker, her elegance and class were so great to make the management of many international projects seem like a child’s play.
Her death leaves a huge void in our group, in the University of Pisa and in everyone who had the pleasure to know her.
Thank you